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Breaking pleaser habits by finding your voice and building authenticity 

The rollercoaster journey to assertiveness

How many certificates or courses does it take to feel like you've leveled up in life? 
Ever find yourself diving headfirst into new projects and deadlines, pushing your limits to superhero extents just to keep all those promises? And when it comes to opinions, do you sometimes feel like yours is playing hide-and-seek while everyone else's is holding a parade?
Healthy eating, staying active, finding time for yourself, your friends, your family, trying to be the perfect spouse, parent, relative, neighbor, citizen – If this sounds like a familiar acrobatic routine, welcome to the Pleaser Olympics! You, my friend, might be a Pleaser in search of your own voice. Join me on the rollercoaster journey to assertiveness, where my misadventures might just become your roadmap to breaking free from the people-pleasing shackles. May my tales of triumph and faceplants light your path to reclaiming your time, your sanity, and most importantly, your voice in this chaotic circus we call life.

Why is assertiveness as crucial as morning coffee?

Well, in our world the loudest screams dominate the (social) media, making it seem like humans are just a bunch of grumpy animals incapable of embracing differences. I refuse to buy into that narrative. I firmly believe that most people are good at heart, but, like me, don’t dare to speak up. Assertiveness isn't just about shouting from the rooftops; it's about breaking that silence. Because silently accepting injustice is like giving it a high-five, saying 'You're doing great, keep it up!' There's a ton of work needed to make this world a better place – how we treat each other, our fellow creatures, and Mother Earth herself. So, let's embark on the assertiveness adventure and share our voice!

Thin Title



About me

I'm a self-proclaimed perfectionist, control freak, and a sprinkle of a micro-manager. I've mastered the art of adapting to others' needs and making them feel at ease. 

My heart thrives on continuous learning and witnessing the beautiful spectacle of personal growth, not only in others but in myself as well. Horses, my four-legged therapists, play a starring role. They're like soul mirrors, reflecting the hidden corners of our emotions and intentions we've long forgotten.

In my peculiar double life, I balance my love for personal growth with a nerdy fascination for the precision of numbers. I navigate the world of data, trying to make its complexity easy to understand for others. Plus there’s something oddly calming about diving into the black and white universe of numbers. 

Why the blog? Well, it's my humble attempt at sharing the rollercoaster ride toward assertiveness. The destination is a mystery; I might stick with my pleaser side – a trait with its charm – or who knows, a bold, assertive superhero version might emerge, cape and all. 

So, saddle up for a series of blogs documenting my escapades. I hope my tales, sprinkled with equine and human wisdom, become those trusty stepping stones on your own journey to expressing yourself. Let’s embrace the messiness of being wonderfully, authentically you! 

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